
Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Biodiversity Vision approach different?

We are not here for “feel good projects"

Just as an example. We are not impressed by a ban on plastic ear pins, when the biggest contributor to micro-plastics in the environment are cigarette buds. In fact we don’t see microplastics as the biggest threat.

We will not rest until we see real action

We don’t want to spend our time banging our heads against a wall

We approve of the fight against climate change but that is not our battle. Others are fighting that war and unfortunately losing. We may join in with some recommendations and comments. Does it make sense that in the EU monoculture tree plantations (so called "green deserts") are being created while at the same time methane is being bought from suppliers that do not fix pipelines that are leaking this green house gas big scale. (as can be clearly seen by satellite data) .

In general we see that some companies do more harm than others but again that is not our battle. Others are fighting these companies but the path of destruction continues.

There are things to be done starting right in our own countries

Green nature belts need to be made across continents stretching from south to north and from low altitude to high altitude. Land needs to be assigned, even bought. We understand there is a need for highways but bridges and tunnels need to be built not just for us but for other species. Whole rivers need to be more natural, and not just tiny sections. Real actions that lead to real improvements cost real money but if politicians sense there is a public outcry for such actions, they will make the appropriate laws and spend what is required. We say that expenditure of about 2% of the national income should be diverted to sustain nature. This is similar to what countries are aiming to spend on defense. Don’t the non-human inhabitants of this planet deserve as much money on protection as we for our own defense.

The hypocrisy of expecting foreign governments to take real action while not doing so at home can not continue

An example is the push from some EU countries to increase the areas of world wide protected oceans while at the same time failing to protect their own ocean habitats and fish stocks.

White tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) fighting in autumn scenery

Does Biodiversity Vision have all the answers to the loss of biodiversity?

We don’t have all the answers but different scientists have different answers and we want the money to be distributed among different projects for maximum short term and long term results. The issue is so important that we should not have all our eggs in the same basket.


  • Tanzania rain forest project

  • Small lake island projects

To create little little lakes and islands for birds to breed on

  • Keeping an invasive plant out of the threatened Artic Terns nesting ground in Rif Iceland

  • Getting future generations involved with biodiversity (See our Videos section)

  • And last but not least raise awareness of biodiversity loss

    • In the near future we would like to make an active Youtube channel

    • Tiktok channel

    • Instagram channel

    • Traditional media relations

  • We have set up two volunteer centers

    • In Snaefellsnes Iceland and

    • In the mountains of Switzerland

Please support us, e.g. by making a donation for one of the above projects or as a foundation supporter

What can I do?

Again we are not here to promote “feel good projects” such as merely recycling garbage while the mass extinction continues. Other groups are promoting recycling with some success.

We see the problem of the loss of biodiversity to be so big that it really needs government involvement. So how do YOU fit into our plan?

Well, we need the help of the masses to persuade politicians to take the real action we are talking about.

So, what you can do is the following:

The more people who join the campaign, the greater our power of persuasion will be.

There is also work you can do as an informal or formal volunteer, online or on location, such as translations, finding contacts for influential people, organizing events, participating in the dialog, and helping out at our heavenly volunteer retreats.

How will donations be spent?

At the heart of our campaign is the work of volunteers. Although they do not get reimbursed for their work, we still need to provide for them and cover associated expenses. Without support this work can not take place. So please donate to this very important cause.

Our main project is the grand project of getting Biodiversity on the political agenda. As with any lobbyism even when done by volunteers this effort needs to be funded.

If you prefer to support individual projects this is also an option.

Please make a donation.

If you know of some people who could support us please connect us.

Our Motivation - The Questions

  • How can it be that the numbers of birds, animals and other species are declining so much so that many are becoming locally or globally extinct?

  • How can it be that this is happening before our very own eyes?

  • Although climate change is a very important contributor to the loss of biodiversity, why does biodiversity itself not receive as much attention?

  • Why is there no plan B when we are obviously loosing the war against climate change, -with more and more carbon being released into the atmosphere-?

  • Why are we as individuals and governments not doing anything substantial about the biodiversity crisis?

  • Why are we content with doing merely some feel good measures?

  • Why do we as individuals think it is enough to recycle and avoid a certain activity or product while doing nothing to convince the politicians to take real action in support of biodiversity?

  • Why do we NOT see total consumption (increasing global population and greater consumption by everybody) as a real threat to the sustainability of the planet and do something about it?

  • Why do we only choose to protect species that we find cute and cuddly in other countries but not our own?

  • Why don't we recognize that it is the food chain that matters and place as much emphasis on species that are lower down in the chain but are ultimately essential for the species higher up the food chain and indeed pay attention to the whole ecosystems?

  • Why do we think we can pressure other governments and boycott the products of other countries when we are NOT setting a good example in our own countries?

  • How can we expect stakeholders to listen to our scientific arguments regarding one species when we refuse to listen to their arguments about another species?

  • Why do governments get away with taking some high publicity measures such as naturalizing a piece of river, protecting a single species, setting aside some rather useless land or sea while failing to make a comprehensive plan to take real action to combat biodiversity loss at home and abroad?

  • Why are we conned into buying something local which requires even more resources global?

  • Why are other organizations winning battles but not the war against biodiversity loss?

  • Why aren't scientists which without hesitation see the arguments posed by the above questions not shouting their heads off for urgent action to counter biodiversity loss?

  • Why don't we work together to solve the problem based on persuasion rather than confrontation?

The Answer

These are the questions that have gone through our minds and the common answer is that someone needs to take the initiative to organize, inform and change attitudes and policy.

One can not always expect someone else to take the initiative. So we decided to take the initiative ourselves. An alternative would have been to join and try to change from within some other organization, but we thought it would be more effective to create our own and instead work with established organizations, scientists, the public and authorities to halt the loss of biodiversity.

We have spent our own time and money to start the campaign, but we definitely can not do it alone. We need your and everybody's moral support. On our home page and on our overview page you can see how easy it is to take the first steps to help us help the nature.

Still have questions?

Contact us.

Woman with backpack standing near the big tree in Redwood California during summer sunny day view from below

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